Chirag Desai

Chirag Desai

Dubai, UAE Website Twitter

Founder, Amaeya Media

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< Previous: The Challenge of Standardisation []Podcasts are monetized in a few ways globally. Larger media companies with internal podcast teams tend to drive listenership from within their existing channels, and monetize through existing brand partnerships. Podcast-first companies use monetization models that are split between advertising...

The Case for Brands in Podcasts

< Previous: Monetisation With podcast advertising revenue expected to cross US$2.4 billion globally, it comes as no surprise that brands have found their space in the medium over the last few years, and 2019 was no different. According to ‘Audio: Activated’, a study commissioned by StoryWorks, the BBC’...


< Previous: The Case for Brands in Podcasts []From the trends we’ve witnessed this year, Steve Jobs was right when he announced in 2005 [] that podcasting was the future of audio. At the time, the Apple Podcasts...

Pre-opening diaries

A special prequel episode from the team of The Lighthouse Conversations podcast, which will focus on the regional arts, culture & entrepreneurial landscape. At our launch event held at The Lighthouse in D3, producer Chirag Desai chats with founder of the Lighthouse & host of the show Hashem Montasser about...

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