On our latest edition of Behind-the-Show, we’re excited to speak with Heba Shunbo, Host of Mommy’s Happy Hour, our first podcast to be created out of Egypt! In this candid tête-à-tête, Heba delves into her motivation for launching Mommy’s Happy Hour, her favourite podcasts, her guilty pleasure (it would make for such an interesting combo!) and a lot more!

Mommy’s Happy Hour debuted on October 21, 2020, and aims to create an unfiltered, informative and relatable platform for mothers across the Middle East. The show will traverse multiple facets of motherhood—new theories and fads, childcare, nutrition, personal wellbeing and striking the precarious ‘balance’ between life, parenthood, career and romance.

Your profession (aside from being a podcast host)?
Interior designer

Top three things you love about podcasts?  
They're fun, accessible, and feel very personal.

What three words best describe your podcast host personality?  
Relatable, authentic, and funny, hopeful.

What was your motivation to start a podcast?
I felt I had so much to say about motherhood, and honestly, I felt bamboozled once I had my own kids! Nobody gave me the real lowdown on motherhood. I want Mommy’s Happy Hour to be therapeutic for me and other mothers; it’s a platform to express our true feelings and fears.

Is your podcast host personality different in any way from your real life?
No, it's authentically me :)

What’s your current favourite podcast?  
I have two - Second Life & The goop Podcast.

What would your #1 advice be for someone who is looking to start a podcast?    
Love the topic that you want to talk about.

How has having a podcast helped you?    
On a personal level, launching the podcast has pushed me to personally overcome my fear of putting myself out there.

If you could have dinner with one person right now, who would it be? What would both of you eat?    
Brené Brown, or Julia Louis Dreyfus. We would eat steak and fries.

What’s your most memorable facepalm moment?    
I've had so many during my two and a half years of motherhood! I can't think of a specific one.

What gets you out of bed each morning?  
My kids, coffee with my husband, and I love the early morning time before the rush.

What’s your guilty pleasure?    
Jolly ranchers and doodoo shots.

What is the first place you would travel to once the restrictions are lifted? Why?  
Vienna, a health retreat, because God knows I need some pampering!

What are you currently binge-watching on Netflix?  

If you were to write a book about your life, what would its title be?
I already have, and it's also called Mommy's Happy Hour :-)

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