Tatiana Antonelli Abella

Tatiana Antonelli Abella

Dubai, UAE Website

Founder & Managing Director, Goumbook Host, Forward Talks

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The future of commute, with Adam Ridgeway

According to the The NY Researcher Market Watch, the electric 2-wheeler market is expected to grow at a compound rate of 4.6% to reach US$6.9 billion by 2024. This week, we're joined by Adam Ridgeway, the founder & CEO of One Moto here in Dubai,...

Clean water empowering future generations, with Sunil Lalvani

This week, we're joined by Sunil Lalvani, the founder of Project Maji which seeks to bring sustainable access to safe water across rural sub-Saharan Africa through solar-powered water kiosks. Sunil shares his experience on starting & operating a social enterprise in the region and the overall impact having...

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