Chirag Desai

Chirag Desai

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Founder, Amaeya Media

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Shelina Jokhiya
Chirag Desai

#176: Bathroom Renovation

I recently decided to renovate my bathroom. This was my first renovation project and it was not an easy process. I wanted to share my renovation experience so you can see what you need to be aware of when doing a renovation (mine was small so there may be much...

Shelina Jokhiya
Chirag Desai

#174: Teacups and Mugs

Today we are talking about Teacups and Mugs! Why do we never call them Teamugs? We are talking specifically about decluttering these cups and mugs as well as how to organise them, as people have a lot of them in their cupboards (I see a lot every day). You can...

Shelina Jokhiya
Chirag Desai

#172: Focus mode in iOS 15

In this week's episode, Chirag takes the lead and discusses something Apple-based. Yep, us Apple Geeks have something new to get excited about to help us get organised digitally! It's fascinating...really. Press play to listen to our witty witticisms and review of the new Focus...

Shelina Jokhiya
Chirag Desai

#170: Adopting a vegan lifestyle

If you didn't know, Chirag (my co-host extradionnaire) is vegan and has been for a few years now. I remember when he told me he was changing his lifestyle to be vegan and all the changes that had to occur to get into this lifestyle. As more and...

Shelina Jokhiya
Chirag Desai

#169: Decluttering your toolbox

Toolboxes - we need them for various DIY projects, but with so many bits and pieces involved, it can become a disorganised mess very quickly. In this new episode, I wanted to share my top tips to stay organised, so you can find the right tool and accessories in less...

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