Chirag Desai

Chirag Desai

Dubai, UAE Website Twitter

Founder, Amaeya Media

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Chirag Desai

Executive Summary

The Apple Podcasts directory crossed its 800,000th show listing in December 2019, a first for the medium that has been soaring in popularity over the last five years. The industry itself is poised to exceed US$2 billion in advertising revenue globally by 2021 according to a study by...

Note from the CEO

As we wrap up two years of being a podcast-first company in the UAE—a journey that led to AMAEYA Media becoming the largest podcast network in the country with 14 shows—it was fundamental for us to provide the right context for the industry and gather insights from listeners...


2019 was a monumental year in many ways for the industry with acquisitions, reshuffles and various new launches. There has been significant movement within the region as well this year.

Outlook for Regional Podcasting

< Previous: The Dichotomy: Local vs International Content []In order for local podcasters to grow their reach, there needs to be a stronger understanding of what listeners are looking for. There continue to be challenges regionally that need to be addressed to help create opportunities for...

The Challenge of Standardisation

< Previous: Outlook for Regional Podcasting []As a medium, podcasts are fundamentally different from today’s social platforms, where the various elements of the chain—from publishing to consumption—is not controlled by a single platform, compared to platforms like YouTube for video or Instagram for...

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