More podcast listening highlight of 2020: Our State of the Industry Report
55% of respondents said they listened to more podcasts since March 2020
55% of respondents said they listened to more podcasts since March 2020
Plus, why we switched email systems.
I’m joined on the show by Kaz Castillo, a yogi who runs her own practice specialized in Ashtanga Yoga, a close friend and a recent mother—her son was born in December 2019. We chat about her returning to work just a couple months after becoming a mother, traveling...
Campaign’s Sofia Serrano spoke to Chirag Desai about the medium, brands and more on the third anniversary of Amaeya Media: Brands should integrate podcasts as part of a long-term communications strategy. Whether by creating new shows or advertising in existing ones, brands in the region still have a lot...
I've known Nicole Sprague for many years, back when she lived in Cairo, before we had kids and life consisted of endlessly socializing over drinks with friends. And while we don't have endless hours to discuss our "relationships" anymore, we do make time to...
CEO Chirag Desai shares his answer to Communicate’s question to the industry on jingles from their childhood that have stuck with them.