Tatiana Antonelli Abella

Tatiana Antonelli Abella

Dubai, UAE Website

Founder & Managing Director, Goumbook Host, Forward Talks

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Saving the Planet & Making a Profit, with Karl Feilder

We live in an era where social responsibility and profit are no longer disconnected. More and more companies are adopting sustainability as a way of doing good while making a profit. One such company is Neutral Fuels. This week, their founder & CEO Karl Feilder chats with us about their...

Tatiana Antonelli Abella

Rethinking food waste as a resource, with Ryan Ingram

1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every single year. For every person who is malnourished, there are two who are overweight or obese. How do you go about dealing with the growing food needs of the world and balancing that out with the continuing amount of waste generated?...

Tatiana Antonelli Abella

Data for Good, with Ayla Bajwa

On this episode, we talk to Ayla Bajwa, founder of Ampuz and Board Member at the United National Global Compact UAE. Ayla shares her drive to measure the impact of sustainability which led her to found Ampuz and the current challenges faced in operationalizing the UNGA Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)...

Sustainable landscaping, with Kamelia Zaal

This week, we talk to Kamelia Zaal, the first Arab landscape designer to participate at the Chelsea flower show and best known for her landscape design at Al Barari. Kamelia shares numerous sustainability initiatives taken up at Al Barari—the greens, the water and the waste, how she hopes to...

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