Shelina Jokhiya

Shelina Jokhiya

Dubai, UAE Website Twitter

Host, DeCluttr Me podcast

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Shelina Jokhiya

#158: How to Protect Your Clothes

We often get questions from clients, followers and listeners on the best way to protect clothes in the closets and drawers. Based on this feedback we thought why not share my favourite tips on how to protect your clothes whether hung or folded in various climates....

Shelina Jokhiya

#157: Clutter Over Cloud

This week's episode is a discussion about generational differences with keeping stuff in our lives. It is something we have touched upon on several episodes, but we thought we would delve over the "clutter cloud" about why the different generations are keeping or not keeping physical...

Shelina Jokhiya
Chirag Desai

#156: Spices

I love organising spice! I get very excited when client’s mention they want to organise their kitchens and spices - maybe a bit too gleefully. If you follow me on social media, you will see pictures of cupboards with spices all organised and labelled - that’s how much...

#155: Moving with Charlotte Hepworth

This week my guest is Charlotte Hepworth, the owner of Bespoke Home Moves. They organise the most stress-free moves imaginable in the UK and outside the UK for her clients. I have worked with a few clients over the years to unpack and pack their goods and love doing it,...

#154: My Face

No I have not decluttered my face, but I have finally removed the hyperpigmentation from my face which had been bothering me for a year or so. I had tried various creams and potions and nothing worked, until recently when I went to see a dermatologist. I thought I would...

Shelina Jokhiya
Chirag Desai

#153: The Jeans in Your Life

Have you got various piles of Jeans in your wardrobe that fall into these three piles? If yes, then this episode is for you today! In this new episode we talk about these three piles and also how to declutter these piles so that you use that valuable real estate...

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