#110: Downsizing Part I
I share my tips on how to start downsizing your current space and prepare for your move whether here or internationally.
Host, DeCluttr Me podcast
I share my tips on how to start downsizing your current space and prepare for your move whether here or internationally.
DeCluttr Me: The shoe clearout 0:00 / 0:00 1× It can be hard for many people to part with their fabulous shoes. The problem is, shoes take up a lot of closet/cupboard real estate, so they do need to be decluttered every so often. I thought it would...
DeCluttr Me: The laundry room 0:00 / 0:00 1× Many clients have a separate laundry room, especially when living in villas. There is a quite a bit of space in these rooms, but they often become an attractive place to clutter, making it difficult to do the laundry and...
DeCluttr Me: The packing declutter 0:00 / 0:00 1× Due to the lockdown there has been a massive increase in online shopping globally. The result of this, is we receive more stuff. Check out our previous episodes: How to shop better (#8) and The 30-day shopping detox (#43), where...
DeCluttr Me: Paperwork 0:00 / 0:00 1× Whilst staying at home currently, you may have noticed the huge amount of paperwork that you and your household have accumulated over the years. Whether it be receipts, schoolwork, work, or delivery menus, found in various locations throughout the house, the amount...
DeCluttr Me: Organizing pet supplies 0:00 / 0:00 1× Owning a pet is an amazing part of my life and for many others, but like kids they come with their own supplies of stuff, which if not properly organised can end up being everywhere in your home. I have...