Behind-the-Show with Vinita Bharadwaj

Our BTS series aims to introduce our listeners to their favourite podcast host and perhaps unveil some interesting things about them you may not already know. This month, we’re featuring Vinita Bharadwaj, co-host of KarāmaSūtra, one of our much-loved original shows.

If you could rename your show, KarāmaSūtra, to anything else, what would you choose for your podcast?
Nothing - I absolutely love the name. I've been turning it in my head as a name and project for over a decade now. The fact that it ended up as a podcast has meant it followed its own destiny and found its voice (pun unintended).

Your profession (aside from being a podcast host)
Agency life!

Top three things you love about podcasts?

  • Sound is at the heart of storytelling.
  • The power of silence - it's a powerful punctuation device and I love how it can say so much.
  • Less screen time!

Top three things you dislike about podcasts?

  • Too many to listen to.
  • The difficulties in discoverability.
  • They leave me wanting more.

What three words best describe your podcast host personality?
Curiosity. Empathy. Wit.

Is your podcast host personality different in any way from your real life?
Not different at all. What you hear, is what you get.

What’s your current favourite podcast?
Circle Round - I listen to it with my son.

What would your #1 advice be for someone who is looking to start a podcast?
Ask yourself why, several times. Make sure your answer does not include the following: “I want to share my opinion.” “I have a great voice.” “I want to be famous.”

If you could have a (socially distant) dinner with one person right now, who would it be? What would both of you eat?
The grandparents I never knew, and they would eat a home-cooked South Indian meal. I would partake in some of it, but also enjoy a vegan feast on my end.

What’s your most memorable facepalm moment?
Clumsily falling in front of Goran Ivanisevic (the tennis player). I was 17 and a huge fan.

What gets you out of bed each morning?
The bright sun, and my delightful son (not always in that order).

What’s your guilty pleasure?
A lie-in.

What is the first place you would travel to once the restrictions are lifted? Why?
A farm. Any farm that grows organic produce, and is equipped with a big, beautiful kitchen, where I can cook.

What’s your video meeting attire?
Whatever I would wear to a real meeting. Online deserves the same respect as offline.

What are you currently binge-watching on Netflix?
Nothing! I prefer listening.

If you were to write a book about your life, what would its title be?
I am them.