Communicate: The Jingle that Didn’t Get Away
Communicate recently asked a few industry peers about the jingle from their childhood that stuck with them and why.
Here's CEO Chirag Desai's entry:
There are so many to choose from really – the 90s was quite the era for jingles! A few come to mind but if I narrow it down, I think the two that I remember most often are Vicks and Nescafé. Vicks is immensely quotable for the smallest throat irritations and in many ways, it remains my default lozenge when I’m feeling down and out – I do think it’s really effective though, and it’s not just about the jingle.
For the video, I went with Nescafé; it was my first introduction to coffee at an age when I survived on things like Bournvita and my parents were intense tea drinkers – the idea of starting your day right may have influenced my current snobby coffee persona (which sadly means I do not go anywhere near a cup of Nescafé ;))
Communiquestion: the Jingle that Didn’t Get Away
Communicate asked the industry: which jingle stuck with you and why? Oh, we also asked them to sing it for us.